About purchase


The delivery time depends on where you live and the type of delivery you choose via ShipSmart, our suggestion is that you always use Priority Shipment, as it has priority in postage and there are no delays . To find out the deadline for your region, simply enter your zip code on the product page or in the shopping cart. After confirmation of payment, we ask for a period of up to 7 working days to post your order, all our efforts are directed towards ensuring that most orders are posted within a shorter period of time than that established.


About delays


Register your details calmly and check before completing so you don't have to pay for resending. The data entered are those that will automatically appear on the Post Office shipping label and are your responsibility.


Once we post it, it is no longer in our hands, so any delays caused by the Post Office are completely beyond our control, but whenever this happens we do our best to help by contacting customer service and asking for delivery to be prioritized.


If your order is lost in the mail, don't worry, you can choose to get your money back in full, in the same way you paid for your purchase, or choose a new product in stock, at no additional cost.


The Post Office makes 1 delivery attempts to the recipient. If the package is returned due to an incorrect address or the absence of someone to receive the order, new shipping will be charged.


We ask for your attention regarding delivery times, as well as the rules contained in the policy, to avoid future problems with your order.


About exchange: For international shipping, returns will not be accepted


1. Refusal of the request

All products are sent to our customers with care and organized packaging. We do not make any type of change to the composition of the products. If any of the following situations occur, refuse receipt:


- open or damaged packaging;

- damaged product;

- product not in accordance with the order;


If the receipt process has not been carried out by the person responsible for the order, please contact us via Whatasapp +55 (11) 95209-0043, within 72 hours.


IMPORTANT: Blueberry is exempt from the obligation to respond to requests for cancellation of any product  without prior communication or by email: [email protected], with the absence of accompanying items and always identifying the bad use.

Taxes: Almost all shipments crossing international borders are subject to duty and tax assessment. Check the rules of your Country's goverment first.